Why do we practice yoga and drink wine?


(In Moderation)


Why do we drink wine?

1. Contains Antioxidants

2. Reduces the Risk of Cancers

3. Promotes Longevity and Anti-Aging

4. Increases Bone Density

5. Improves Brain Function

6. Can Lower Cholesterol

7. Reduces Risk of Stroke

8. Boosts the Immune System

9. Raises Levels of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

10. Reduces Risk of Type-2 Diabetes


It tastes good, it pairs well with food, it brings people together, it’s fun!



Why practice yoga?

1. Lessens chronic pain

2. Lowers blood pressure

3. Reduces insomnia

4. Increases flexibility

5. Increases muscle strength and tone

6. Improves respiration, energy and vitality

7. Maintains a balanced metabolism

8. Weight reduction

9. Cardio and circulatory health

10. Improves athletic performance

11. Protects from injury

12. Manages stress

And it makes us feel good!